Female Fertility: Everything You Need To Know

Female Fertility: Everything You Need To Know

The ability of a woman to conceive and deliver a child is known as female fertility. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant with frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year (or at least six months if you’re older than 35) without success, you and your partner may start to question your fertility. You might be curious about your fertility and whether you can increase your fertility if you’re trying to get pregnant. Some factors, such as health conditions that affect your ability to conceive, may be outside of your control. However, your lifestyle decisions might also impact your fertility.

Related: Are you trying to Conceive? Here are the best tips to increase your chances 

What causes female fertility problems?

Female fertility issues can be caused by a number of reasons, such as:

  • Ovulation disorders that impair the ovaries ability to release eggs. These include thyroid issues (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism), hyperprolactinemia, and hormonal conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • When the ovaries stop functioning and menstruation stops before the age of 40, this condition is known as primary ovarian insufficiency (early menopause).
  • Medical disorders include poorly managed diabetes, celiac disease, and several autoimmune diseases like lupus that are linked to the absence of menstruation.
  • Pelvic adhesions, which are bands of scar tissue that bind organs together following surgery for the abdomen or pelvis, an appendicitis, or a pelvic infection. Adhesions limit the function of the fallopian tube hindering the egg to travel and fertilize.
  • Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that ordinarily lines the interior of the uterus begins to implant outside  the uterus into pelvic organs and abdominal cavity.
  • Damage to or blockage of the fallopian tube, which is frequently brought on by the pelvic inflammatory illness.
  • Abnormalities of the uterus or the cervical region, such as fibroids or polyps.

Age also has an impact. Delaying pregnancy may make it more difficult for you to conceive. Age-related changes in your eggs quantity and quality make it more challenging to get pregnant.

What can I do to promote female fertility?

Making healthy lifestyle decisions can support fertility. Such as:

  • Being significantly overweight or underweight can interfere with proper ovulation and impair hormone production. The likelihood of pregnancy and the frequency of ovulation can both rise with appropriate weight maintenance.
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhoea are two sexually transmitted diseases that are a major contributor to infertility in women. Engage in safe sex to prevent the spread of STIs.
  • Fertility may be harmed by untreated celiac disease. Otherwise, the research is insufficient to recommend a specific diet to increase fertility. Of course, whether you’re trying to get pregnant or not, eating a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and proteins can benefit you.
  • You can protect your fertility by keeping regular appointments with your doctor to monitor and address any health issues.
  • Regularly working the night shift could increase your chances of infertility through changing hormone production, among other things. Try to get adequate sleep when you’re not working if you do the night shift.

Although stress won’t prevent you from becoming pregnant, you should think about reducing stress and using good coping mechanisms, like relaxation techniques, when you’re trying to get pregnant.

Related: Effects Of Diabetes On Infertility: Does Diabetes Affects Male And Female Fertility?

What not to do?

  • Smoking prematurely ages your ovaries and depletes your egg supply. Ask your doctor to help you stop smoking if you do and try to quit smoking as soon as possible.
  • Ovulation abnormalities are linked to an increased risk of heavy drinking. If you want to get pregnant, you have to fully cut out alcohol.
  • The majority of research does not conclusively link excessive caffeine use to infertility. However, if you’re trying to conceive, the majority of reproductive health professionals advise limiting your daily caffeine intake to less than 200 to 300 mg.
  • Too much intense exercise can prevent ovulation and lower progesterone levels in the body. If you are healthy weight and planning a pregnancy soon, think about keeping your weekly amount of rigorous exercise to less than five hours. Ask your healthcare professional how much physical activity is appropriate if you are overweight.
  • Menstrual abnormalities may be more common in particular populations, including hairdressers, agricultural laborers, and others. Industrial employees exposed to medications or chemicals during the manufacturing process, dental assistants exposed to high quantities of nitrous oxide, and anyone exposed to high levels of organic solvents, such as dry cleaning chemicals, may also be at risk of diminished fertility.


If you’re thinking about getting pregnant and worried that your lifestyle choices might influence your fertility, you can consult an IVF specialist. They might be able to help you improve your fertility and chances of getting pregnant. If you are someone who is looking for a fertility specialist, call us at +91 9910120674/+91-11-45890000. We’re here to help you.