Can Sexually Transmitted Infections Affect Fertility?

Sexually transmitted infections can have a grave impact on fertility. It is a chronic condition that, when left untreated, can cause a wide range of problems. STI-related infections can have a negative impact on the fertility of men and women

STI-related infertility is less common in men than in women because the former is likely to be more prone to symptoms. Nonetheless, it is easier to treat infertility in men than in women. Because they show the symptoms, it becomes easier to treat the patients. 

STI-related infertility or sexually transmitted infections infertility can be found in men and women. For women, if the STI isn’t treated, it will lead to scarring and inflammation across the fallopian tube. Furthermore, it will also have a negative impact on the different reproductive organs of the female body. As a result, it becomes hard for the sperm to travel to the egg. 

Fallopian tube scarring can further increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is a type of undetected pregnancy. It is a condition where the egg gets fertilized and will implant outside the uterus.

Since ectopic pregnancy isn’t detected until the appearance of grave symptoms, it can pave the risk of life-threatening conditions. 

Sexually transmitted infections can also be observed in men. When the condition isn’t treated, it will damage the urethra and epididymis. Damage to these organs can increase the risk of infertility.

Epididymis refers to the long tube that is responsible for transporting the sperm from testes. On the other hand, urethra refers to the tube that helps in the transportation of semen and urine out of the body. 

Which STIs can Affect Fertility?

Sexually transmitted infections can affect fertility significantly as said above, for both men and women. Given below are some of the common sexually transmitted infections that will affect fertility:

1. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is one of the major causes of pelvic inflammatory disease. This can have a direct impact on your fertility thereby doubling the chance of infertility. It is one of those silent infections that will have an impact on the upper genital tract. 

It will permanently damage the fallopian tubes, uterus, and other organs. It will affect all the organs that are responsible for making the baby. One of the major risks of Chlamydia is that it does not show any symptoms. 

The absence of infections makes it tough to detect. However, some of the most common symptoms of chlamydia include unusual spotting and pain across the pelvis.

Women are also likely to experience unusual discharge. As for men, Chlamydia will lead to tender or swollen testicles. Both men and women are likely to experience painful sex if they have Chlamydia. 

2. Herpes

Herpes is one of the most common viruses around the world. Genital herpes is not only a cause for infertility, but also miscarriage. If you have genital herpes, you are likely to pass it to your baby as well. This can however increase the risk of having life-threatening conditions. 

Like most sexually transmitted infections, genital herpes does not show any symptoms.

However, for the ones who show symptoms, these include painful blisters and sores. There is no proper cure for genital herpes. You may consult a doctor to manage your symptoms and keep genital herpes in control. 

3. HIV

HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is responsible for weakening the immune system. Therefore, it makes the immune system weak and incapable of fighting any diseases. HIV causes AIDS, which damages the immune system completely.

Therefore, the body won’t be able to fight any other infection. If you have AIDS, you are likely to become very sick. 

Some of the common symptoms that will help you understand whether or not you’re infected by HIV include swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, fever, sudden weight loss, pain in the muscles and appearance of purplish spots on the skin. 

4. Syphilis

Syphilis is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. While this condition no longer occurred earlier after the discovery of antibiotics, it has become pretty common. In the past few years, there has been a significant rise in the number of syphilis cases. 

Syphilis is a contagious condition that can have a wide range of complications for long term. Therefore, syphilis can also potentially increase the risk of having infertility. The symptoms of syphilis include watery discharge from nose, enlarged liver, painful inflammation, enlarged spleen and lymph node swelling. It will also increase the risk of genital sores. 

5. Gonorrhoea

Gonorrhoea can lead to scarring. As a result, it will block the fallopian tube, thereby increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy. If you get pregnant despite having this condition, you are likely to pass it to the child. The symptoms of gonorrhoea can be easily detected. Therefore, it is advisable to check the symptoms regularly. 

The symptoms of gonorrhoea will vary for men and women. In case of women, they are likely to experience burning sensation while urinating, abnormal discharge and irregular periods. If women are pregnant, they are also likely to experience sore throat, spotting. It will also increase the chances of painful sex for both men and women. Many individuals will also experience fever. 

6. Human Papillomavirus

HPV or human papillomavirus is a common condition that does not have any medical cure. Following a healthy lifestyle will ensure HPV will itself cure the infection. HPV will not have a direct impact on the conception capabilities. 

Individuals suffering from HPV will have a cancerous strain. It will also increase the risk of precancerous cells around the cervix. Damage in the cervix will also affect fertility and might affect fertility. Therefore, you may not be able to conceive. 

7. Mycoplasma

It is one of the most common forms of sexually transmitted infections. Mycoplasma infection leads to infertility in women and also PID. It may not be as common as gonorrhea or chlamydia, but it can be extremely damaging. Furthermore, mycoplasma also reduces fertility in men. 

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