What Is An Infertility Counselling

Infertility is becoming a common medical condition, affecting every aspect of your life. There are many studies and statistics that state that infertility affects 15% of couples of reproductive age globally.

Infertility is indeed stressful and that’s why some doctors might recommend you to go for an infertility counselling session. But many couples often think about whether to consider counselling or not.

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Though for some it’s really easy to decide, many others do question what an infertility counselling session looks like, what they can expect during the session and the questions they should ask the counsellor.

So in this article, we will give you all the answers you were looking for. But first of all, let’s understand what infertility counselling is.

What Is An Infertility Counselling?

Infertility counselling sessions are a form of psychotherapy that is used to help those struggling with infertility. This type of counselling is beneficial for someone who has been trying for a baby for 6 to12 months and is suffering from fertility problems.

The treatment can result in different physical and mental behaviour so the therapist guided you and helps you in coping with the challenges you are likely to face during your treatments.

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Well, the sole aim of infertility counselling is to understand and resolve the patient’s nuisance emerging because of infertility or infertility treatments.

The best part about these counselling sessions is that your therapist is always there to help you cope with any emotional and psychological stress you are going through. Also, he/she will answer each and every question that’s wandering in your mind related to infertility treatments.

For more information about our counselling team, you can visit our counselling service page.

What Kind Of Counselling Is Involved In Fertility Issues?

At the outset, counselling is done in a variety of ways and generally, the medical staff determines the type of counselling that would be provided to the infertile couple.

However, the session covers three types of counselling which include therapeutic counselling, decision-making counselling, and support counselling.

During the counselling, the patients are offered adequate information about the pros and cons of infertility treatments so that the patient knows enough to make informed decisions.

When You Should See An Infertility Counselor?

If you are taken up by the thought of going for infertility treatment and don’t know what to do. Then you should go for infertility counselling.

It is also recommended to see a counsellor when your mental health takes up a toll. So, if you don’t know what to do after unsuccessful tries of pregnancy for 6 to 12 months, then it is advisable to take a counselling session near you.

These are the ways infertility counselling with help you out:

  • Helps you process your emotional reactions
  • Guides you through the infertility treatment
  • Helps couples to emerge from relationship issues
  • Takes you out of the maze of uncertainty and unfamiliarity
  • Guides you to manage difficulty with “scheduled” intercourse

And the list goes on. As there is a lot more involved in infertility counselling that helps couples to ignite some hope that their dream of becoming a parent is not an impossible one to achieve.

Questions To Ask During An Infertility Counselling?

Asking the right questions to your counsellor during infertility counselling is really crucial. So here are the top 10 fertility questions one must not forget to ask.

  1. How often would we be meeting?
  2. What tests are really necessary?
  3. What do you charge and will our insurance cover infertility treatment?
  4. What tests are really necessary?
  5. Will we be treated right away?
  6. What’s the success rate of your clinic?
  7. Should I use fertility drugs?
  8. How can infertility counselling help us in coping with stress?
  9. What if I can’t carry a pregnancy?
  10. Are infertility treatments safe?

Looking For An Infertility Counselling?

So as you have seen, infertility counselling does benefit a lot of couples in numerous ways.

If you’re are planning to go for infertility counselling then we can help you. Start your counselling today by getting in touch with us, Delhi’s Best IVF and Infertility Treatment Centre. To book your counselling session with our infertility counsellor, call us at +91 9910120674, +91-11-45890000 or book an appointment