What Is Secondary Infertility? Causes, Coping Up And More

Secondary infertility refers to a condition when you fail to conceive a baby even after having delivered earlier without any problems. Secondary infertility shows or has the symptoms of primary infertility.

If you are 35 or younger, there are still chances that you can conceive. However, due to some conditions, you may fail to conceive.

It is advisable that you reach out to the best IVF center in India in this case to understand the condition.

You must visit your healthcare provider to avoid the risks due to infertility. You may have no period or endometriosis. Your doctor can help you understand whether or not you can get pregnant.

What is Secondary Infertility?

When you fail to conceive a second time, there are chances that you’re experiencing secondary infertility.

Most couples are likely to experience secondary infertility as compared to primary infertility. Primary infertility is the condition where you fail for the first time.

Women during the late 30s or 40s are likely to experience secondary infertility.

What Causes Secondary Infertility?

Getting pregnant for the second time can often be a problem for many women. There are various complications that you are likely to experience. Prior pregnancy or prior delivery may be successful, but secondary fertility can eventually be a problem.

There are various causes you may experience secondary infertility issues. Given below are the reasons why you may experience secondary infertility:

  • The problems in terms of sperm are that the sperm isn’t healthy enough or it is not moving in the right direction.
  • There is a problem with the release of the egg during the ovulation period.
  • The damage in terms of the fallopian tube will prevent the egg from traveling to the uterus. It may also prevent the sperm from reaching out to the egg.
  • Conditions such as problems in the uterus like adenomyosis and uterine fibroids.
  • Scarring of endometriosis where the tissues will be similar to the tissues in the external area growing outside the uterus may further affect the other pelvic organs.
  • If you and your partner are prone to various risk factors, especially in terms of weight, age, and various medical health conditions.

How to Cope with Secondary Infertility?

If you have been a victim to secondary infertility, you must know what the feeling is like. You will not only experience physical changes in the body, but also an emotional fallout. This can eventually be a problem in the long run.

You may feel disappointed or upset. After all, you have already conceived once and now when you’re unable to do so in the second round, it can become a problem. There are a wide range of emotions you’re likely to feel during secondary infertility. It is true that it may be hard on you.

However, there are some tips that can help you cope with secondary infertility:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Acknowledgement is the best therapy. After a certain period, you may be in denial. However, rather than sweeping your feelings under the rug, you must start acknowledging them. This is the first step toward healing from the trauma of secondary infertility.

2. It’s Okay to Grieve

When you fail to conceive a second time, your head is likely to be wrapped around various thoughts. You are probably going to feel guilt, disappointment and more.

Parents who are prone to secondary infertility think that they shouldn’t feel bad because they already have a child. Well, it is okay to grieve. You must not feel angry or depressed. The guilt may weigh you down but it is normal when you feel this way.

3. Talk It Out

If you have someone to talk to, do it. Talking allows you to let your grief out. Once you acknowledge your emotions, you must also let them out. You may connect with your friends or family to understand the emotion and to let it out.

Apart from that, you may as well join the secondary infertility support group. Meeting people who have gone through the same trauma can help you understand your emotions and heal them.

4. Reach out To a Doctor

If you experience secondary infertility, you can reach out to a doctor. If you still wish to conceive, the advanced IVF treatment can be of great help. There have been various medical advancements in recent times. With IVF coming such a long way, conceiving has become pretty easy.

5. Change Your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle is one of the major reasons why you may be experiencing problems. Compare the habits that you followed when you had your first child versus when you were trying for a second child. Sleep can also have an impact on your fertility.

When you fail to get enough sleep at night, you may have problems conceiving. Also, make sure to take a look at your weight.

If there has been drastic changes in your weight, you may likely experience the problems.

If you’re considering IVF to overcome secondary infertility, reach out to one of the best IVF treatment centers in South Delhi. At Ferticity Fertility Clinics, we have delivered the highest success rates in IVF, by practicing advanced and ethical IVF procedures. Call us on +91 9910120674, +91-11-45890000 to book your appointment today.