NT/NB Scan: Importance, Procedure, and What to Expect


The NT/NB scan, also known as Nuchal Translucency/Nasal Bone scan, is a vital prenatal screening test. It evaluates the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in fetuses. This non-invasive procedure offers important insights to soon-to-be parents and healthcare providers, assisting in early detection and well-informed decision-making. This guide will explore the importance of NT/NB scan, the process, its precision, and what soon-to-be parents can expect.

What is NT/NB Scan? 

This specialised ultrasound examination, known as the NT/NB scan, is typically conducted between the 11th and 14th weeks of pregnancy. The evaluation focuses on two key indicators: the nuchal translucency thickness and the presence of the fetal nasal bone. These measurements, along with maternal age and other factors, help assess the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities. Such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome.

Importance of NT/NB Scan:

  1. Early Detection: Identifying potential chromosomal abnormalities early in pregnancy with the NT/NB scan allows for timely interventions and decision-making. Which leads to an important advantage.
  2. Risk Assessment: Evaluating the thickness of nuchal translucency and the presence of nasal bone, scan offers insights on fetus’s risk of genetic conditions.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: With the results of the NT/NB scan, parents can make informed decisions about diagnostic testing, treatment options, and preparing for the care of a child with special needs.


The NT/NB scan is typically performed by a trained sonographer or obstetrician and involves the following steps:

  1. Ultrasound Examination: A detailed ultrasound examination is performed by the sonographer to measure the nuchal translucency and assess the presence of the nasal bone.
  2. Measurement and Assessment: With specialised equipment and software, we measure the thickness of the nuchal translucency and take note of the presence or absence of the nasal bone.
  3. Counseling: After the scan, parents-to-be are provided with counselling to go over the results, possible consequences, and next actions. 

Accuracy and Limitations: 

Although the NT/NB scan is a helpful screening tool, it’s essential to remember that it does not offer a conclusive diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. It provides an evaluation of the fetus’s risk level using specific markers. Additional testing like chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis may be suggested in certain situations to confirm or rule out a diagnosis.

What to Expect: 

Expectant parents going through an NT/NB scan may experience a range of emotions, such as excitement and nervousness. Here are a few important things to remember:

  1. Preparation: Usually, there is no need for any specific preparation before an NT scan. It’s recommended to wear comfortable clothing and make sure to arrive on time for the appointment.
  2. Duration: Typically, the scan lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes, but the duration can vary based on factors like foetal position and cooperation.
  3. Follow-Up: If the scan results show any concerns, parents-to-be may be recommended for more tests or provided with extra support and guidance.


Ultimately, the NT scan provides crucial prenatal screening information that gives valuable insights into the fetus’s health and development. The NT/NB scan evaluates indicators such as nuchal translucency thickness and nasal bone presence. It helps detect early pregnancy chromosomal abnormalities. This scan isn’t diagnostic but offers valuable information for expectant parents and healthcare providers. It aids in making well-informed decisions about pregnancy care. If you’re expecting or planning a pregnancy, discuss the NT scan with your healthcare provider to understand its significance and impact on your circumstances. Stay informed, stay proactive, and confidently embrace the journey of parenthood.