IVF Success Rate In India | Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics

IVF Success Rate In India

IVF Success Rate In India typically vary from 50% to 60%, influenced by several factors. Women under 35 with few fertility challenges may see success rates as high as 65%. At a leading IVF centre in India, success rates can reach up to 80%, reflecting the high level of expertise from experienced doctors, skilled IVF specialists, Embryologists and dedicated medical staff.

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What you must know about the IVF Process

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a popular assisted reproductive technique in India, with almost 200,000 to 250,000 cycles performed each year. The process involves fertilizing eggs with sperm in a laboratory dish, hence the term “vitro,” meaning “glass. Experienced IVF specialists and supportive medical teams work together to offer comprehensive care, maintaining transparency throughout the treatment process and supporting patients in achieving parenthood.

Major factors that determine the overall IVF success rate in India

Doctor’s expertise and clinic choice: Choosing the right IVF clinic and an experienced specialist doctor is the foundation for a successful outcome. Skilled doctors perform precise procedures, notably increasing the likelihood of a positive experience and a successful conception.

Age and IVF success:

The probability of a successful IVF pregnancy generally decreases with age. Younger women typically have higher success rates compared to those over 40. However, factors like overall well-being and medical history are also crucial. Mindfully selecting a top IVF centre in India can further improve your chances.

Quality of eggs and embryos:

The quality of eggs and embryos is a critical determinant of IVF success. Factors such as age, egg count, medications, and sperm quality play a significant role. Higher-quality eggs and embryos boost the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Lifestyle factors:

Lifestyle habits, including smoking, alcohol consumption, and maintaining a healthy weight, can impact IVF success. Adopting healthier lifestyle choices can enhance the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.

Infertility causes:

The specific causes of infertility, such as ovarian dysfunction, secondary infertility, abdominal issues, or fibroids, can greatly influence IVF outcomes. The duration and success of treatment vary based on these underlying conditions.

Donor eggs option:

 In cases where a woman’s eggs are not viable, the use of donor eggs can substantially increase the chances of success. Although it involves additional costs, this option provides a valuable alternative for achieving pregnancy.

Role of sperm quality:

Sperm quality is also a key factor in IVF success. Men facing fertility issues should consult a specialist to explore ways to improve sperm health, which can positively impact the IVF process.

Impact of past miscarriages or failed IVF:

 Previous miscarriages or failed IVF attempts may negatively influence future results. Nonetheless, moving forward with a positive outlook and confidence in the process can help. Clinics like Ferticity IVF provide holistic care to catapult your chances of success.

Sticking to medication plan:

 Stick to your prescribed medication plan to produce healthy eggs. Consistent medication use is essential for hormone regulation and egg development. Customized treatment plans from skilled doctors can greatly boost your chances of IVF success, as they are tailored to your unique needs and conditions. Regular monitoring and adjustments by your medical team ensure that your treatment is on the right track.

Success rates of IVF using donor eggs in India

If a female’s eggs aren’t in great shape, using donor eggs can really up your chances of a successful IVF. Donor eggs come from healthy, fertile women and can be a total game changer, especially if ageing has affected your fertility.

In India, IVF success rates with donor eggs are quite impressive—around 50 to 70% . This success comes from using high-quality donor eggs, leading to better embryos and higher pregnancy rates. Plus, the quality of the IVF lab makes a big difference too.

How embryo count affects IVF success rates

How well IVF works also hinges on the number and quality of embryos. Low-quality embryos often lead to less successful outcomes, so doctors focus on selecting the best ones.

With thorough research, receiving IVF treatment in India from a certified fertility centre like Ferticity IVF can create magic for you. To book a personal consultation with our expert IVF specialists, log onto


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