For couples opting for (Intrauterine Insemination) IUI , the waiting period following the procedure often feels endless. Every spasm, every symptom gets you thinking: could this be it?
In normal conception around 5 % of sperm reaches its destination which is an egg by passing through the cervix and fallopian tubes. IUI is a fertility treatment that helps sperm to reach the egg by placing it directly into the uterus which enhances the chances of fertilization by eliminating the barriers. Once done with IUI, every minor change may feel like a positive sign in anticipation of IUI’s success.
(Intrauterine Insemination) IUI’s success.
The chances of conceiving are also influenced by factors such as age, body weight, sperm quality, etc. Thus, having the right information on what happens during the days following the IUI procedure helps you feel more calm and confident.
This is how the days after (Intrauterine Insemination) IUI treatment may look like:
Day 1-3 after intrauterine insemination (IUI): the waiting period begins
Mild cramping is common during these first three days after artificial insemination.
This usually results from the procedure and is not a sign of implantation. You may feel somewhat bloated from hormonal medicines. However, it is too soon to judge and confirm any signs of confirmed pregnancy.
Day 4-6 after intrauterine insemination (IUI) : a lot happens inside your body
During this period, the fertilized egg starts to move towards implantation. You may begin to notice changes like nausea or fatigue. Whereas, some women don’t notice any such feelings and that’s normal too.
Day 7-10: a window for implantation
If implantation takes place, some women experience light spotting (which may look like an early period) or mild lower abdominal pain. Other signs include tender breasts, mood swings, dizziness, and more. However, it is possible that you may not feel many of these signs, relax. Sometimes, successful pregnancies occur without showing evident early signs and symptoms.
Day 14: a crucial period of confirmation
Now is the time to take a pregnancy test. Home tests may give a much-needed clue, but it is a must to get a blood test at the doctor’s clinic. The latter confirms to know if your IUI (intrauterine insemination) treatment worked or not.
Day 15-28: signs get stronger
You may notice stronger pregnancy symptoms like:
- Frequent urge to pass urine
- Slightly higher body temperature
- Tender breasts
- Nausea or vomiting
- Missed period
Go for regular regular visits to your doctor to ensure everything is manageable and smooth.
How long does it take for implantation to occur after IUI?
For more than 35% of women who conceive with IUI treatment, implantation takes place
around day nine. As eggs remain viable for fertilization for only 12 to 24 hours following ovulation, timing is too important. Pregnancy takes place when egg and sperm meet to form a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine walls. That’s when the real countdown to conception begins.
It is also equally important to keep an eye on any abnormal signs and discomforts. Those can be indicative of failed IUI. Immediately, follow up with your doctor in any of the following abnormal scenarios after artificial insemination:
- Unusual constant abdominal pain
- Heavy vaginal bleeding
- Persistent pain in the lower back
What next steps should you take if the procedure is not successful?
If you don’t conceive on the first attempt of IUI treatment, it’s normal. Often, it takes 3-5 attempts to see the positive outcome. Your fertility specialist may recommend medications and tips for you or your partner to improve the chances in the next cycle.
So, never lose hope, miracles can happen anytime or at any moment. There are other advanced options to get pregnant.
To get advanced world-class fertility treatment without any hassles, visit Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics. Here, our fertility specialists and entire staff take care of all your needs at each step throughout the process. To book your consultation, call us at +91 9910120674, 91-11-45890000.
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