Top IVF Myths People Need To Stop Believing

Top IVF Myths People Need To Stop Believing

IVF is advancing as more and more couples are accepting and open to the procedure. The first successful IVF baby was born in 1978, despite the fact that the technology extends back to the 1800s. Since then, IVF has developed significantly with the aid of contemporary medicine and technology. People’s attitudes toward IVF are evolving more slowly, though.

Many of the things people tell you regarding IVF may be rumours. Many others could even advise against choosing it based on what they’ve heard about it or their limited understanding of it. You are much more likely to obtain accurate facts about this wonderful science if you actually sit down and do some research on it or ask an IVF expert about it.

Related: How are test tube baby produced? Step by step process

Myth 1:

IVF is a painful process: There is no pain or difficulty associated with the IVF procedure itself. You might feel a little uncomfortable during the ovarian stimulation and embryo transfer or after ovum pickup, but you won’t experience any severe pain. Each person has a different level of pain tolerance. As a result, your level of pain throughout the treatment may be extremely different from someone else’s.

Patients receive injections for ovarian stimulation, before and after embryo transfer. You must get ready for slight pain with IVF due to regular injections which might make you uncomfortable or anxious. However, with more recent ideas like the natural cycle, unpleasant injections are no longer necessary.

Myth 2: 

IVF babies are not normal: IVF is only a procedure that helps the conception process proceed more quickly and increases the likelihood that it will occur. The foetus and the newborn after birth both grow and develop similarly to a natural conception child. The baby is not born with any genetic flaws or health issues as a result of IVF.

If a child produced through IVF develops any illnesses or diseases, it is entirely possible that they were inherited from one or both of the parents, not as a result of IVF. In fact, your fertility expert might suggest a preimplantation genetic test of the embryo before putting it inside the uterus in IVF-driven pregnancies if indicated. This aids them in determining whether the infant is predisposed to experiencing any future health issues or diseases due to a genetic abnormality.

To produce healthy embryos, the embryologist also selects the healthiest sperm from the batch.

Myth 3:

IVF leads to multiple pregnancies: Despite being frequent with IVF, not every woman will have multiple pregnancies. During the embryo transfer, first, the best-looking embryos are chosen to transfer in the womb. So, to increase the chances of pregnancy more than one embryo is transferred at a time. However, the genetic makeup can not be known by looking under a microscope. Hence, it is not necessary that all the embryos get implanted. 

Myth 4:

IVF works well for women of all ages: IVF is a possibility for women who have passed the prime reproductive age to give pregnancy one final go, although it is not required for everyone. IVF conception is far more likely successful in younger women under 35 than in older women. Women’s egg reserves and egg quality start to decline as they age. Women who used IVF for their first or previous pregnancies occasionally choose to freeze their viable embryos for their subsequent pregnancies. In this way, even if their egg reserves decline in the future, they can still attempt an IVF pregnancy.

However, if the lady had not frozen her embryos, her present ovarian reserve and egg quality would make it difficult for her to conceive successfully. There is no assurance of success for women of all ages however, the likelihood of conception by IVF is low for those over 35. IVF cycles can lead to unsuccessful pregnancy attempts, just like with spontaneous conception.  Although, every case is individualised and the result of IVF depends on numerous factors other than age. 


Some of the misconceptions listed above may be familiar to you since a friend or member of your family has informed you of them. The best course of action is to exclusively obtain information from reliable sources rather than believing in rumours. Ferticity Fertility Clinics is one of the best IVF facilities in Delhi which has a cutting-edge laboratory and a competent staff of specialists in both fertility and medicine. Book an appointment with us today!